200 Blind Students from Gujarat Welcomed Home to Parmarth
Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji – Muniji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji welcomed 200 members of CU Shah Pragyachakshu Mahila Sevakunj, home for the blind, in Surendranagar, Gujarat home to Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh).
They met with the group and Muktaben Dhagli, who has founded the school and brought the organisation together, and interacted with all of the members. They were told that the women and children who are mostly all blind, and some are also deaf and mute are trained in many professional fields which will help them them become self sufficient. They were glad to learn that many of the young students and youth in the group were very skilled in music and singing.
They lovingly welcomed Muktaben home to Parmarth as frequently as possible. Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji shared that this was one of the greatest and truly most fulfilling ways to worship God by providing for all of its creation.
The children were given chocolates and a donation was given to the school on behalf of the Divine Shakti Foundation to support the school.
Pujya Swamiji shared, “Serving the creation and addressing the many challenges that our society faces is having a divine vision. These blind children may not have sight but in joining together, working together and serving together they have illustrated the power of divine sight. Let us learn from their example and allow them to teach us how we to can tap into our divine sight through serving creation, especially those who are least privileged and tragically often neglected. I welcome these children back home to Rishikesh again and again.”
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji shared: “We consider ourselves to be the ones who see and these children as the ones who don’t. However, though on a physical level their eyes or visual cortex may not work, they can actually see better than we can in so many ways. The deep love in their hearts and their connection to each other and to the world show that while we see only the physical world, these beautiful children are seeing the spiritual world, the world of consciousness, the world of love, the world of oneness. They are tapping into something much deeper and more profound than just waves of light bouncing off a retina. We will help and support them in whatever way we can.”
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