Awakening the Divine Feminine

Nov 13 2018

Awakening the Divine Feminine

This motivational session shared the secrets of divine-feminine-energy with attendees, and inspired them to believe they can tap into this energy and empower themselves to connect with the Goddess within.

The panelists included Dr Vandana Shiva, Founder of Navdanya, Agro-ecologist and activist, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji, President of the Divine Shakti Foundation, Swamini Adityananda Saraswatiji, Director of Programmes and Partnerships, GIWA, Paula Fellingham, Founder and CEO of the WIN (Women’s Information Network), and Satya Kalra, Founder of Path to Anandam, who shared their personal stories and that they have a common-thread of spiritual-journeys, awakenings and stirring experiences/self-transformation.

They also launched a special book on women empowerment during this session.

Sadhvi Bhagawatiji spoke about how she was personally touched by the Goddess Ganga when she first came to Rishikesh and how that experience changed her life. She also shared the role of the Goddess in our lives by explaining about the three forms of the Divine Goddess worshipped in the holiday of Navratri that has just passed: Goddess Durga, Goddess Saraswati and Goddess Lakshmi. She inspired all to open their hearts to the presence of the Mother Goddess for their personal spiritual transformation. She also emphasized the importance of protecting and preserving Mother Earth and Mother Nature as they are the embodiment of the Mother Goddess in physical form.

She added, “What distracts women from truly understanding their power is the core misconception that they are not enough- not thin enough, not pretty enough etc. This sense of inner lack inhibits them from accessing the source of abundance within. Today we need to no longer be distracted from the truth or fight the truth but rather women must live the truth that they are more than enough.”

Each of the powerful panelists shared collectively how every woman has the power to find that inner-goddess within herself and how they can utilize this power to create more abundance, love-peace and harmony for themselves and for the world

Satya Kalra moderated the panel and shared, “I was serving everyone in the world except me and it came so much down on me that I was faced with financial problems and family problems. But then one day, an inner voice came and said its not to late you can do it now. Show to the world your awakened and with that voice I rose from that place of lack to a place of abundance and strength.”

Dr Vandana Shiva shared, “A culture of non-violence with the Earth is a culture of prosperity. Whether it’s the nine divine feminine powers or the navgrahas or navdanya the number 9 represents the divine feminine and a cosmic harmony. Cosmic harmony is a harmony with the Earth and in turn with our own health and well-being which is a harmony that can and must be heralded by women.”

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