Charter for Compassion Banquet at Parliament of World Religions
During a large vegan banquet entitled Celebrating Compassion with the theme “Let your Passion for Compassion be your Compass” at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, organized by the Charter for Compassion. Karen Armstrong, Founder of the Charter for Compassion, best selling world famous author and expert on religion, was the keynote speaker.
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati led opening prayers from the Hindu tradition and shared her insights on compassion. She shared the mantras Sarva Bhawantu Sukhinah and Asa To Ma Sad Gamaya explaining the universal meaning and message of the prayers for the well-being of all living beings and inspiring us to move from darkness to light – from falsehood to truth.
I had the honor to offer words & prayers #CharterforCompassion @thecharter banquet w/ Karen Armstrong, Joan Campbell, & so many others, MC'd beautifully by @jamesrdotymd @ #Parliamentofworldreligions #2018PoWR . #compassion takes us into the highest & truest parts of our Selves pic.twitter.com/a8Oto0H1CT
— Sadhvi Bhagawati (@SadhviBhagawati) November 3, 2018
Sadhvi Bhagawatiji shared, “Only when I am deeply connected with not only the Creator but also with all of creation do I even began to know who I am. Compassion helps us realize that we are all one, all one family and so we serve with that feeling of oneness. The path of compassion is a path that not only takes me into being a greater asset to the world but also a path that leads me to the deepest and highest place within myself. In this place we rise from ‘I’ to ‘we’- transforming ‘I’llness into ‘We’llness.”
It was a great honour & joy to be on the @charterforgive panel y’day led by Dr Josef Boehle w/ Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singhji, @NishkamCentre, my hero- Rabbi David Rosen, Prof Mohammad Abu-Nimer of @KAICIID speaking on #forgiveness & #reconciliation at #2018PoWR! @InterfaithWorld pic.twitter.com/ND8v69CgdB
— Sadhvi Bhagawati (@SadhviBhagawati) November 3, 2018
The dinner included welcome by Dr James R. Doty, Stanford neurosurgeon and founder of the Stanford Center for Altruism and Compassion, Vice Chair, Charter for Compassion. The event was held to celebrate the work of compassionate cities and recognize the Charter for Compassion’s first humanitarian awards.
The Humanitarian Awards were awarded to Rotary International’s Mary Beth Growney Selene, Rotary Foundation Trustee, Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, Founding Chairman of Sound Vision Foundation, Former Chair of the Parliament of World’s Religions and Bishop William Swing, Founder of the United Religions Initiative.
There was an inspiring speeches by Marilyn Turkovich, Executive Director, Charter for Compassion on “Then and Now” and Gard Jameson, Board of Trustees for Charter for Compassion speaking about “Building the Future.”A beautiful song by Najwa Gibran “Zameen El Salam” (Time for Peace). A special recognition of the land and appreciation of the food prayer was led by Chief Phil Lane, Jr, Global Compassion Council Member. There was also a Recognition Award given to Rev Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Chair, Board of Trustees, Charter for Compassion.
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