Day 7 of IYF 2020

Mar 07 2020

Day 7 of IYF 2020

Kailash Kher Concert Provides a Divine Conclusion to a Week of Union and Upliftment at Parmarth Niketan

VISION 2020 becomes the anthem and message of the 31st International Yoga Festival as Acharya Balkrishna joins Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji to bless and bid farewell to over 1500 participants from 76 nations.

7 MARCH 2020 RISHIKESH INDIA: Last night’s astounding musical extravaganza featuring the sublime nirgun style of Padma Shri Sufi-singer Kailash Kher was a beautiful conclusion to the International Yoga Festival at Parmarth Niketan, in association with Incredible India, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, in a most-inspiring and successful events in its 31 year history. Playing to a capacity crowd on the grounds of Parmarth Niketan on his 2nd appearance at the Festival, Kher delighted the crowd with his warmth and exuberance. It was apparent to one and all that he was enjoying himself and at ease in his Himalayan home.

The concert was emblematic of the entire philosophy of IYF 2020 – Vision 2020, off-the-mat yoga representing not just the practice of asana, but how the yogic philosophy represents itself and interacts with the world in our daily lives. This philosophy, rooted in the brilliant history of Bharat – India – is an experience of a heritage that has the ability to touch and to connect everyone.

And everyone, it seemed, was in that venue at Parmarth Niketan last night, if the number of participants in the beautiful group picture featuring so many of the 76 countries represented at the Festival is any indication. With over 1500 participants from those 76 countries, International Yoga Festival 2020 is going a long way in spreading the message of love and union to the world stage – something that is so very needed in a time of growing uncertainty.


On Day 7, the final day of the International Yoga Festival at Parmarth Niketan, dawned cloudy but brilliant as participants, presenters and guests that gathered to unite through the divine practice of Yoga hit the mats and the ghats for the last time before beginning their journeys home – journeys home that included new insights, new gifts, new appreciation and new recognition that, as our beautiful Indian tradition exemplifies, we really are all one family!

Held in association with Incredible India, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, IYF 2020 celebrated its final day on and off the mat with a final round of classes, workshops and discourses that exemplified the divine grace of the Festival, and put a crowning touch of enlightenment on the beautiful spirits that journeyed to Rishikesh to be transformed by the wisdom of the Rishis and the practice of some of the world’s great teachers.

Paula Tapia, Sensei Sandeep Desai, Dr. Indu Sharma, Rohini Manohar, Sianna Sherman, Anandra George, Jai Hari Singh, HS Arun, Kia Miller, Katie B. Happyy and Anand Mehotra all returned to offer one final class, and were joined by longtime Festival participant Michelle Button, whose Toltec Medicine Wheel: Songs, Prayers and Dances delighted the dance devotees. Said Michelle of her unique class offering: “Music is Food for the Soul, the language is Music and Sound, the Guide is Your Heart, The Medicine is Love, the Intention is Union, and the Gift is the Light, to Open to the Harmony of Life in an offering of service at the Sacred Abode of Parmarth Niketan in the United heart of Rishikesh in the flow of Ma Ganga in the spirit of Peace ”

The day’s Spiritual Lecture Series focused on “The Power of Collective Prayer and Intention” as Rev Michael Beckwith, Bharat Mitra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Prince Ea and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati discussed ways to explore the unlimited potential of group coherence and unified action and the impact that both have on communities and the world.

Riveting the audience with his electrifying sermon Rev. Michael Beckwith shared that: “As you scan the room for a moment, you get a sense that each and every individual here is the singular manifestation of a cosmic unfolding that reflects and reveals the Infinite in a way that’s never happened before. Beyond your history is a mystery which you can’t even see right now, but of which you are here participating in and making yourself so available to that it ultimately shocks and surprises you as to what you are here to deliver on the planet. We’re talking about collective consciousness. Now, we’re not all here to save the world, we’re here to serve an emerging paradigm. We don’t want to save a world that is full of fear, doubt and worry, consumerism and materialism; that’s building walls instead of bridges. We’re here to open ourselves to what is emerging. We can’t make something happen but we can make it welcome. We can only localise a cosmic celebration. ”

Said Bharat Mitraji Founder/President of Organic India and Uplift Connect: “The essence for each and every one of us is God’s presence. Let’s have the courage to allow something to emerge which is beyond understanding, beyond imagination. Let’s be present with the divine invitation to embrace the unreasonable joy of just being available for the unknown, the unknowable to flow through, to express, to celebrate. Let’s be present with receiving this divine invitation delivered with truth and authenticity and courage. Let’s have the courage to remain connected to it, no matter where we are in time. Let’s stay true to that and for those that really feel the calling to be in service of that presence, let’s be open to unity and upliftment and connected so that we can hold together this feeling.”

And, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati summed it all up by adding: “There is a provider, an intelligence in this universe, that knows what we need. We don’t have to be the ones to figure it out, to make it happen. We just need to be open to that intelligence, to that wisdom. God is coming – on the way. Just sweep the way and get ready. We don’t need to be caught-up in my way, my ego, my logo, my name, my this which blocks us from the light. It’s about each of us emanating, birthing, reconnecting and realising our connection with the Divine.”

The final day’s final five offerings included Janet Attwood’s The Yoga of Self-Love, Dr Eden Goldman’s Soothe Your Insides, Beth Shaw’s Yoga for a Great Mood and Dr Alejandro Junger’s popular Detoxification workshop, and was highlighted by The Global Days of Unity – UPLIFTing the World – An interactive community session exploring the Global Days of Unity initiative with Bharat Mitra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Sadhvi Bhagawatiji, Gil Ron Shama, Prince EA and Chris Deckker.

Janet Attwood, in sharing about the philosophy that informs her beautiful practice, stated that “I’ve been meditating for over 50 years and a teacher of Transcendental Meditation for over 35 years. I show others how to get clear and the things that matter to you most, that way you can be a service to humanity. Life is to enjoy not to annoy. I do a thing called the passion test to see what are their passions and what matters most to them. What I tell people is to listen to God, nature, the universe, whatever name that you want to put together so you can get super clear and see what is being asked by you to do as your service to the world and humanity.”

In saying farewell, Pujya Swamiji beautifully stated: “What you learned here is not only the teachings but the touch and the transformation that will forever change the way you perceive the world around you. You are the change you want to see in the world and now it’s time for you to be the change and bring the change you want to see.”

Pujya Acharya Balkrishanji stated: “Yogam Sharanam Gachami, Sangham Shranam Gachami, Dhammam Shranam Gachami. Let us pray and practice to find refuge in the shelter of Yoga, in the power of good association and in the path of righteousness. Yoga and Ayurveda is the tree under which the entire of humanity can find the shade of true and sustainable wellness and health.”

Following the beautiful Aarti ceremony, a final Family Kirtan Hour was offered, and both the presenters and participants gathered to enjoy their last moments together before saying goodbye until next year. And, as the official closing act of the Festival, an evening of Song, Dance and Theatre Performances by Parmarth Rishikumars and IYF Participants from around the world – brought together a cultural union of the world celebrating the vibrancy and talents of our brothers and sisters and symbolizing the beautiful Hindu tradition of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – was presented.

And, with that, the final curtain came down on one of the most successful events in the history of the International Yoga Festival. Despite worldwide challenges and uncertainty, the strength of Yoga and the vitality of the human spirit prevailed, and the healing and transformative magic of Mother Ganga and the majestic Himalayas empowered and emboldened a new generation of spiritual warriors to carry-forth the message of connection to ourselves, each other and all of Creation.

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