Forgiveness and Reconciliation at the Parliament

Nov 15 2018

Forgiveness and Reconciliation at the Parliament

A Seminar on Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Perspectives from the World’s Religions, hosted by the Charter for Forgiveness project, took place on 2 November 2018 and was very well attended. Participants listened to the highly informative and inspiring presentations of the world class speakers on the panel including: Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh (Sikh), Rabbi David Rosen​ (Jewish), Prof Mohammed Abu-Nimer (Muslim) and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati (Hindu) spoke with great passion about forgiveness and reconciliation in the context of their respective faith traditions. The panel was moderated by Dr Josef Boehle, the Director of the Charter for Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati​ spoke beautifully on assessing the ideal versus the real and quoted #MahatmaGandhi by saying, “#Forgiveness is not the path of the weak but it’s an attribute of the strong.” She invited everyone to open their hearts to #forgiveall by starting by one step at the end! She also dissected the act from the actor and being able to cultivate forgiveness for the actor but perhaps not for the action. She also answered questions at the end with utmost clarity on the power of storytelling in reconciliation and releasing energy from our ego-identity to be our true infinite Self. Watch a glimpse of her interactions here:

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