How to Handle Negative People and Negative Situations
We try so hard to stay anchored in positivity in our lives but sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, we have no choice but to be in situations or with people who are, most definitely, not positive! Maybe it’s a coworker, a neighbor, an employer, or an employee, a colleague, or simply someone you see on the subway every day. That negativity may come in the form of individual people or entire situations that are brimming over with greed, competition, hatred, and worse. What to do? How do we take care of our own energy and still live in the world?
In this video I share a personal secret that I use if I ever have to be in those sorts of situations. It’s what I call my “wetsuit technique!” In the same way that a wetsuit enables you to dive into the freezing cold ocean but actually swim in warm water, this wetsuit technique enables you to go into the world, even full of negativity, and to swim in an ocean of love, peace, and positivity.
Try it and let me know in the comments how it works for you. I have found that it works fantastically for me.
And remember, it is not your responsibility to warm up the entire ocean! Yes, our own energy absolutely ripples out, affecting, impacting and changing the people in the world around us. But, even at times when we are not able to change others, we can protect our own energy! Wear your wetsuit!