Leave No One Behind Concluding Day

Dec 27 2019

Leave No One Behind Concluding Day

One-of-its-kind ‘Leave-No-One-Behind’ – Summit concludes on an optimistic note.

A remarkable, Leave No One Behind Summit – Convened by Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA) with technical support of Fresh Water Action Network South Asia (FANSA) in collaboration with Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) came to a close on 18th December, giving hope to around 14 communities whose voices usually go unheard and needs go unnoticed and are typically left behind in access to benefits of development.

The last day began with 5-7 minute summary presentations from day long consultations on the previous day – each of the 14 groups namely 1.Youth; 2. Women; 3. Dalits; 4. Adivasis; 5. Transgenders and LGBTIQ; 6. Migrants; 7.Urban Poor: Shanty Dwellers 8: Urban Poor: homeless; 9. Persons with Disabilities; 10. Elderly; 11. Farmers, 12.
People living with HIV; 13. Manual scavengers, and 14. Sex workers shared their findings and recommendations.

Thereafter there was a special session with experts, facilitated brilliantly by Santosh Mehrotra, joined by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Swachh Bharat Mission Shri Anil Sharma, Director, SLWM, National Human Rights Commission’s Inderjitji, James Wicken, Enrico Muratore Aprosio, Vinod Mishra of the WSSCC, Abhijit Banjeree, Finnish Society, Dr Avanish C Mishra, Dr Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Rouble Nagi, Sulabh Sauchala Hrishikesh Sharan and many others.

These recommendations were included into one summary document that was then presented in the concluding session.

Some of the pertinent points included:

  1. There should be equal participation of marginalised communities, especially sex workers, in policy formulation.
  2. A Welfare Board for Transgenders should be established in every state such as in Orissa. They should be respected in the workplace.
  3. Handholding support has to be given to Nigrani Samiti under SBM Program.
  4. The number of toilets should be increased in hospitals. A curriculum should be introduced with regard to water, health and hygiene in government schools.
  5. Manual scavengers should be treated equally in society.

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