Life Plugin Summit in Shimla Inspires International Young Leaders

Apr 29 2018

Life Plugin Summit in Shimla Inspires International Young Leaders

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati​ji graced and blessed the LifePlugin​ Summit, organised by Gautam Khetrapal of #MindValley with her words of inspiration, wisdom and insight. She spoke on the theme of Spirituality in the Modern World and then answered questions in a second session, which was added to the programme due to high demand from the participants to have more time in her divine presence.

She said, “I am so glad and hopeful to see today’s youth enquiring and inquisitive about a deeper purpose and meaning in their lives. To me the theme of the summit is hence so perfect– plugging into our lives, plugging into this source of purpose, meaning and motivation in our lives. However, in order to plugin to life we have to be plugged into our Self and that is what spirituality teaches us.” Watch the video:

She gave three simple but profound mantras for the modern Yogi to plugin to the Self:

  1. Fill the Self, not just the Shelf
  2. Deeply Connect
  3. Think not what for me but rather what through me

She explained that by focusing on filling our Self from the inside and not just seeking gratification from our external world we are truly plugging into a deeper sense of fulfilment, contentment, happiness and health.

She shared that the connecting with others is important not just for contacts and contracts but from the perspective of connecting deeply to the divine within each one of us and seeing the same Self in others. She said that when we see others and all of creation as a manifestation of our Self then we are intituitively called to be of service to this divine creation.

She added that by thinking not only “what for me” but shifting our attitude to “what through me,” understanding that we are just instruments and vessels of divine Grace, we were living and acting from the deepest and highest purpose.

The youth were so deeply touched by her words and all rushed to her after the sessions, many with with tears in their eyes, to give her heartfelt hugs and gratitude for sharing her light and love.

The event also included a special morning yoga session by Nandini Tripathi, a resident instructor at Parmarth Niketan, who led a refreshing and rejuvenating session of yoga, meditation and pranayama at the retreat.

The Summit was designed by youth for the youth and brought together young people from India and other parts of the world to transform their lives, enhance their leadership and self-development skills.

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