“The guru’s gift: Staying calm in a world of chaos”, CNN

“The guru’s gift: Staying calm in a world of chaos”, CNN

“The guru’s gift: Staying calm in a world of chaos”, CNN, July 2017

Read this beautiful article on CNN.com on the recent International Yoga Day celebrations at the United Nations led by HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji – Muniji. The article, written by Jessica Ravitz Cherof explains how, under Pujya Swamiji’s leadership, the spirit of the mountains of the Himalayas met the spirit of Manhattan, and how the message of yoga, giving us the ability to maintain peace admist the chaos, resonated with so many people in New York City at the United Nations.

In the article, Jessica shares modern day mantras, her own insights on bringing it all together and applying this wisdom in our own lives. She also shares Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati’s words, “It doesn’t matter if you walk into the Ganga from a sandy beach, step into it from marble steps or leap into it from a rock, the goal is to get in. It’s the same with yoga.”

We hope that the article will inspire you to dive into #Yoga with greater commitment and enthusiasm.

Click here to read.


July 19, 2017


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