“Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Peace” in Bogota, Colombia

Jun 29 2023

“Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Peace” in Bogota, Colombia

Sadhviji joined Richard G. Cowden, PhD, of Harvard University; Nathan DeWall from the University of Kentucky; Andrea Ortega Bechara from Universidad Del Sinú – Monteria; and so many other happiness experts for the groundbreaking forum, Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Peace.

It was such a gift to travel to Bogota, Colombia for this deeply-moving and inspiring event focusing on the interaction of the mind and the spirit, and the ways that Positive Psychology is truly the Science of Happiness and Peace! It was part of a beautiful collaboration between the host, Unisinu, and Harvard University as they work to create and implement a Science for Peace program that details how this science can impact social processes that lead to the construction and fostering of a lasting peace.

Sadhviji looks forward to seeing where, together, we can enhance and expand this important work, for ourselves, our communities and our beautiful Earthly home!

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