Sadhviji Offers Sanatan Dharma Satsang for Nairobi Devotees

Nov 24 2019

Sadhviji Offers Sanatan Dharma Satsang for Nairobi Devotees

Spiritual Q & A Provided Eternal Answers for Modern Challenges

During her recent trip to Kenya for the 25th Annual International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25) organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati led Hindu devotees in a Divine Satsang at the Shree Sanatan Dharma Sabha Temple (SSDS) on topics ranging from Indian spirituality and the bridge between science and spirituality to the keys of true happiness and meaning in daily life.

Sadhviji’s Satsangs are renowned the world over for their insightfulness and the simple, conversational way that she delivers her messages. In these Satsangs, she covers the most pertinent issues facing all of us – how to discover inner peace, find love, let go of anger, now your purpose and connect with God, regardless of your religion. The nightly discourses are broadcast on networks around the world, as well as on all of Sadhviji’s social media platforms.

“When I first started doing Satsangs 10 years ago, I never dreamed of the impact that they would have on the people that I am blessed to meet each and every day of my life. Each moment of every Satsang is completely offered by God’s grace. When I answer a question, the answer comes through me. I have nothing to do with it. I am merely an instrument in God’s hands. And, now, to be able to be that instrument for the beautiful people of Kenya…is a true blessing that I am so very grateful for.”

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