Recent Book Signing of Hollywood to the Himalayas
Writing Hollywood to the Himalayas was such a joy. It was truly a deeply meditative experience. I literally closed my eyes and just typed whatever came through, as a channel for the Divine. Later I would go back and fix the inevitable, spelling and grammatical mistakes. I didn’t plan any specific chapters in advance. I just typed what came through, and the experience was exhilarating.
Sharing of the book now that it’s published has been an equal joy, possibly even more. To see the way that my journey, my lessons and experiences can impact, teach, inspire and uplift others is such a blessing.
I had so many people ask me, prior to publication, whether I really, really was sure that I wanted to be so open and vulnerable in the book. I knew that of course I was sure. But to see the impact of that honesty on all of those who read it and can deeply relate to it is such a beautiful blessing.
Here are some sweet clips of a recent book signing. To look in people’s eyes and connect deeply from a place of shared experience, and to hear them speak about how they have found their own healing and transformation through reading my book, has become one of the most precious moments for me.