Project Hope – Uttarakhand Flooding Relief (Hindi)
In the tragic flooding in Uttarakhand mid-June, innumerable people (estimates report in the thousands) lost their lives. Another 11,000 are estimated to be missing. They couldn’t escape as Mother Ganga’s waters rose to heights unseen in over 100 years, flowing brown and fast: with forces greater than a speeding train.
Nearly 100 dharmshalas (guest houses), packed full of pilgrims fell into the river. Hundreds of cars toppled off foundation-less roads. Roads were destroyed. Bridges collapsed. Countless lives were lost, as were property, possessions and hopes.
Here in Uttarakhand, under Pujya Swamiji’s vision, dedication and leadership, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, of which Pujya Swamiji is the President, Ganga Action Parivar and India Heritage Research Foundation, of which Pujya Swamiji is the Founder, are working under the banner of Project Hope to provide for the flood victims both emergency relief as well as long-term rehabilitation.