Sadhviji’s Divine Satsang: Living Your Best Life
The temperatures may be dropping, but the warmth inside the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan is palpable as Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati leads another beautiful Divine Satsang offering inspiration and insights in response to the questions taken from our Parmarth Parivar at home and abroad.
In the first question, received from one of our beautiful family members living abroad, Sadhviji is asked how we can be sure that we’re living our best life – to which she so eloquently responds, “First, it’s helpful to know what your best life actually is!” Watch and listen as she elaborates!
Next, a question from one of the family members in the Sacred Garden, who wonders if there’s any reason to mourn death, as we know that we’re going to die and it’s all just a part of life. Then, another family member states, “I’ve tried 100 ways to find real happiness and I can’t. Is there something I should be doing that I’m not doing?” Sadhviji’s loving and compassionate responses to both questions are definitely something that can help everyone!
Finally, another family member in the Sacred Garden asks how we maintain the God in our hearts living amidst the division and intolerance that exists in the world today. And for this, Sadhviji beautifully suggests that it is the fact that we recognize the division and intolerance that proves that the God in our hearts is very much alive!
Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga for the guidance and direction that has helped so many people around the