Divine Satsang LIVE with Pujya Sadhviji || 17 Oct 2024
In tonight’s LIVE Satsang from the Satsang Hall at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji inspires the global audience by leading a beautiful guided meditation that invites us all to drop into the world inside ourselves, leaving the day-to-day world and life outside…if only for a moment. She then answers questions from the Parmarth Parivar abroad and at Home that bring everyone closer and closer to the very Truth of themselves.
Tonight’s topics included:
1. Is it Destiny and Karma? Or, Free Will?
2. Taking the Progress of Parmarth Home With Us.
3. Co-existing With Those Who are Evil.
4. Can You Do Your Best Without Attachment to the Outcome?