Divine Satsang LIVE with Pujya Sadhviji || 18 Dec 2024
In tonight’s LIVE Satsang from the Satsang Hall at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawatiji inspires the global audience by answering questions from the Parmarth Parivar abroad and at Home that bring everyone closer and closer to the very Truth of themselves.
1. What do you do when you no longer believe in the religion you grew up in?
2. What is the best way to become a powerful teacher?
3. What would you say to people that are suffering deeply with pain and sorrow because their country is at war? What is their lesson?
4. Do you think there is a reason from the Divine as to why you were born into certain region, area or religion?
5. Why don’t we see little girls in the ashram like the boys?
6. How do I keep my faith when nothing is working out?
7. Is our destiny fixed?