Divine Satsang LIVE with Pujya Sadhviji || 31 Dec 2024
In tonight’s LIVE New Year’s Eve Satsang from the Satsang Hall at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawatiji inspires the global audience by leading a beautiful meditation to help us all to arrive in the present moment, in the present place at this moment in our lives. She then goes on to answer questions from the Parmarth Parivar abroad and at Home that bring everyone closer and closer to the very Truth of themselves.
Tonight’s questions included:
1. Staying Focused and Motivated.
2. How Do We Build Tolerance?
3. Dealing with Anxiety.
4. Staying Faith-filled in the Midst of Tragedy & Suffering.
5. What happens at the moment of death?
6. Making Friends with Our Ego.