Finding Mental Peace
To find mental peace we need wisdom. There’s an expression that ignorance – lack of awareness or knowledge – is bliss. We jokingly say that not knowing something is better than knowing it so the facts don’t make us feel badly. But ignorance definitely isn’t bliss. It might be a numbing of our feelings, but being numb isn’t being blissful. And, that numbing is just like using drugs or drink or food – it deadens feelings, it doesn’t heal them. And that numbing is really superficial and very short-lived. And, that’s certainly not bliss. And, it’s the same with mental peace. We’re never peaceful, and we’re never blissful, as long as we’re ignorant.
In this sublime teaching, Sadhviji delves into the meaning of real peace, and offers us a pathway to ensuring that we rid ourselves of the ignorance that numbs us and deludes us into thinking that we’re in bliss – and, to making sure that we know the answer to the question “What are the moments in your life that you feel peace?”