How to Keep Fear From Standing in the Way of Our Dharma

Feb 09 2023

How to Keep Fear From Standing in the Way of Our Dharma

Fear is not the enemy! Fear is a powerful, and very beneficial instinct inside of us to be careful. It has kept our ancestors alive long enough to make babies so we could be born! However, fear can also debilitate us and keep us from living life to our fullest potential. That’s where our intellect comes in. We need to consciously decide whether the fear is something worth listening to or not. Is it protecting us? or is it preventing us from fulfilling our dharma and karma? The power of discrimination shows us whether it’s a fear we need to really analyze and work through or a fear we need to simply acknowledge, bow to and then move forward and through it. But how do we do that?

In this beautiful teaching, Sadhviji shares how to build-up our courage and how to open our hearts to the flow of the divine through us, so we can fulfill our dharma without being crippled by fear.

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