Sadhviji’s Divine LIVE Satsang
In tonight’s LIVE Satsang from the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhviji responds to questions from our global family with answers that take us deeper onto our spiritual path.
To begin, Sadhviji leads a beautiful guided meditation that grounds us in the present moment and location before answering a question from one of our global family members living abroad who wants to know what is the most important karma, the most important action that produces the fruit of that karma. In response, Sadhviji shares that it’s the action that you’re doing in this very moment because it’s the only moment that we actually have any control over.
Next, a family member in the Garden wonders how we can bring the memory of the beautiful messages of Aarti and Satsang alive throughout our lives. Sadhviji shares that it’s best not to be in the memory, which is in the past, because spirituality can only be experienced in the present moment.
Then, another family member asks how to let go in such a way that what you’re trying to let go of actually let’s go of you. Watch and listen as Sadhviji explains how.
Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang with Sadhviji from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga! And, take some time to revisit previous sessions of Satsang by scrolling through the timeline on this page – so many amazing and precious Drops of Wisdom, all available right at your finger-tips!