Satsang: Which is More Powerful: Our Karma or Our Destiny?
In tonight’s Divine LIVE Satsang from the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji responds to questions from our global family with answers that take us deeper into our spiritual path.
The first question this evening comes from a family member living abroad that wants to know if it is necessary to believe or have faith in God in order to achieve Self-realization, to which Sadhviji responds that belief in God in any form and by any name isn’t required, but you absolutely have to believe that you’re walking towards something bigger than your physical body.
Then, a family member in the Sacred Garden asks if having a Guru is absolutely necessary to attain Self-realization, and whether a Guru is available to everyone. Sadhviji shares that it’s not absolutely necessary…but, it sure makes dealing with the omnipresent ego a lot easier when you have the Guru’s light and grace available! And, absolutely, a Guru is available to all that are ready for one!
Next, another member in the Garden wants to know which is more powerful: Our destiny or our Karma. To which Sadhviji so beautifully reminds us that our Karma is the greatest and most powerful tool that we have – it creates our destiny!
Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang with Sadhviji from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga! And, take some time to revisit previous sessions of Satsang by scrolling through the timeline on this page – so many amazing and precious Drops of Wisdom, all available right at your finger-tips!