Tree Hugging

Jan 21 2024

Tree Hugging

Tree hugging!! This is one of my favorite things to do. Trees are life. Not only in the sense of giving us oxygen and water, or absorbing carbon dioxide. Trees are so much more than just a provider of our basic, physical needs. Trees connect us deeply to Mother Earth, to Mother Nature, to a divine, sacred, intelligent and eternal existence…..

Whenever I’ve felt stressed or upset or overwhelmed in life, hugging trees has always been the answer, since my days as an undergraduate at Stanford. I would drive across the Golden Gate bridge to Muir Woods, to the home of the most amazing redwoods…. To this day, hugging trees fills me with a connection to the pulse of LIFE, sacred, connected, vibrant oneness.

Let’s hug more trees, for ourselves and for our planet. If we love trees, really LOVE them, we will be so much healthier and we will, of course then keep our trees, forests and planet healthier.

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