What is the Difference Between Destiny & Free Will?

Oct 22 2022

What is the Difference Between Destiny & Free Will?

Are our lives pre-destined? Or do we have free will? Destiny, free will, karma, dharma…so many concepts that, to those who weren’t raised in the Hindu tradition (and even to many who were!) can seem confusing. And, two of those concepts, destiny and free will, often seem the most confusing and even contradictory if not understood properly. So, what IS the difference between the two? How do we know if something is “supposed” to happen, or if it’s something I’m choosing to make happen? How do we know how much control we have over tomorrow, next week, next year? Is it all already pre-destined?

In this enchanting teaching from the Sacred Garden, Sadhviji shares in insightful details exactly what makes destiny, destiny – and, how our free will actually plays a very big part in it. Watch and listen as she brilliantly details the power of both!

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