Sadhviji’s Divine Satsang: Living Gratefully

Nov 25 2021

Sadhviji’s Divine Satsang: Living Gratefully

As America celebrates its Thanksgiving holiday, we join our brothers and sisters from Sadhviji’s Divine Live Satsang in the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan to give thanks to the Creator for all of the blessings He so generously bestows on us each and every day!

And, on this day of giving thanks, a beautiful question from one of our wonderful global family members living abroad wonders what is the key to a more grateful life. In response, Sadhviji so eloquently shares that to be grateful for all that we have, we must be…grateful. Watch and listen as she explains.

Then, from a member in our Sacred Garden, asking how we stop the Freeze response – the tendency to “freeze-up” and not move forward in any direction. Sadhviji responds that this is known also as self-sabotage, and then goes on to provide inspiration to help us unfreeze. Next, a follow-up question, wondering how we can stop freezing-up in our relationships, not saying what we really should say when we need to say it or saying a lot of things that we shouldn’t say. This is important, so take notes as you listen to Sadhviji’s insightful response.

Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga for the guidance and direction that has helped so many people around the world find healing and transformation in their lives!

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