Satsang: How Can I Find Mental Peace?

Apr 26 2022

Satsang: How Can I Find Mental Peace?

In a beautiful LIVE Satsang from the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji leads an inspiring session with answers to questions from our global family that help us all to go deeper on our spiritual path.

Tonight’s first question comes from a global family member living abroad who is in the hospitality industry and finds the demands of customers and clients to sometimes strain the boundaries of service. Sadhviji shares that, from a career perspective, of course you want to make people happy; from a spiritual perspective, however, being a doormat isn’t required.

Next, a family member in the Sacred Garden asks how you can be serious about your life and still not take it too seriously. In response, Sadhviji shares that it’s not this beautiful and divine life that God has gifted us with that we shouldn’t take seriously – it’s the drama that we tend to add to it!

Then, another member in the Garden wants to know how to find mental peace. Watch and listen as Sadhviji provides the direction.

Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang with Sadhviji from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga! And, take some time to revisit previous sessions of Satsang by scrolling through the timeline on this page – so many amazing and precious Drops of Wisdom that have helped so many around the world to heal and transform, all available right at your finger-tips!

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