Living For Yourself And Not Others
Living for others is ingrained in us. We’re told that helping others and sacrificing for others is the greatest gift that we can give – and is essential if we’re a good person. But, there is a difference between helping others, serving others, loving others and being a doormat! In no scripture or religious text does it say “Thou Shalt Be a Doormat!” When we emphasize service and giving, it doesn’t mean that we become a robot or a puppet. The service that we’re emphasizing is serving the Divine in the infinite forms of Creation. Sadly, when most people want you to live according to them, it’s not their Divine self that they’re wanting you to serve. The service they’re usually expecting is for their personal ego agenda. If you’re trying to serve that, you’ll never be able to do it because the ego desires and preferences are always changing and are different for every person. So there is no way to keep everyone happy!
In this sublime teaching, Sadhviji shares that it’s just as important – in fact, it’s imperative – to live for our Self, our True Self! And, if we spend our lives living for others and what they believe we should be living for, we’ll never be able to live for our True Selves.