Celebrating Navratri – The Sacred Nine Nights Of the Mother Goddess
Happy Navratri!! The Sacred 9 Night Celebration of the Mother Goddess has begun. During Navratri, we perform many sacred rituals dedicated to the different forms of the Mother Goddess. We fast, take part in pujas, read the sacred scriptures, chant mantras, go into silence and even wear different colors to reflect the different energies of each day. In this beautiful video, Sadhviji explains the deeper and more personal meaning of the nine days of Navratri and details the three main aspects of the Divine Feminine worshipped during the 9 days — Maa Durga, Maha Lakshmi and Maa Saraswati. What do they mean for our lives and how to channel those sacred energies.
Be sure to also watch the daily videos, for the next nine days and join Sadhviji in diving deep into the specific embodiments of the Mother Goddess, or NavDurga, who are worshipped each day, along with which chakra (energy center) that Goddess is connected to and how to meditate upon that chakra. Sadhviji will also be leading Sacred Satsangs and Meditations each evening dedicated to and honouring the Divine Goddesses that we celebrate on these wondrous nine days.