God’s Will – Do We Always Have To Accept It?
We are always told to accept God’s will. But why? What if God’s will is not in alignment with our own will? Do we still have to accept it? If God is perfect and God’s Creation is perfect then we should always accept God’s will, right? But what about ending world hunger or poverty? Does working to better the world mean not accepting God’s will?
In this beautiful teaching, Sadhviji explains that there are actually two levels – the spiritual and the physical – that exist simultaneously. So, while the physical plane contains many things that need to be changed, but on the spiritual plane everything is perfect and divine. And, the goal of our spiritual practice is to exist on both planes simultaneously, as well. On the physical plane, for example, children are starving. And it is our duty and dharma to feed them. However, on the spiritual plane, even those starving children are God’s will. And, through meditation, we learn how to balance both planes.