How do You Stop Yourself from Doing Something Wrong?

Oct 18 2022

How do You Stop Yourself from Doing Something Wrong?

As we grow on our spiritual path, we begin to take inventory of our life, our choices and our activities, whether its our job, home and family life. Many times we find these choices are no longer in alignment with our beliefs. It could be smoking or drinking or taking drugs; or, it could be lying or cheating or stealing. While we’ve probably always known that these things are “wrong”, as we progress on our path we actually become uncomfortable doing them – and, want nothing more than to stop doing them. Not because we’re told not to, but because it just doesn’t feel “right” to continue to do so. But, after a lifetime of choosing them, how do we stop doing “wrong” things? How do we start making the right choices?

In this important teaching, Sadhviji explains that so many of these choices we aren’t even aware of – they’re so deeply embedded in our psyche that they’ve become samskaras – habits – that we do just because we’ve always done them. And, she offers simple, if not easy, methods to begin to find new samskaras and to break the habits that we now believe to be “wrong” choices for our new, spiritual life.

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