How to Combat the Distractions of Technology?

Jan 20 2023

How to Combat the Distractions of Technology?

The monkey mind didn’t just appear with the arrival of smartphones and tablets. Our scriptures, going back thousands of years, talk about the monkey mind, and how easily distracted we are and how vitally-important it is to control our mind. So, it’s not our devices that are the problem; distractions are actually a quality of the mind. The tech companies just co-op this already prone to distraction mind and capitalize on it to distract us further with everything that bings and rings and pings so we can “click here” and “buy now.” So, what do we do to regain control over our minds and free ourselves from the constant distractions?

In this important teaching, Sadhviji provides modern research that confirms what our scriptures have been saying for thousands of years: We must stop the distractions because they are actually making us not only irritated but also stupid! A distracted mind is actually a mind losing its cognitive abilities. Watch and listen as Sadhviji lays-out a plan to help us limit our distractions and use our devices as the tools that they are, rather than letting our devices USE us!

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