Keynote Address at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai

Jan 17 2018

Keynote Address at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati​ gave a beautiful keynote address at the International Yoga Seminar, during the second day of the two day inaugural celebration of The Yoga Institute​’s 100th anniversary, at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai​’s yesterday.

Sadhvi Bhagawatiji said so beautifully, “What we need is a culture of harmony for a better tomorrow. However, that true and complete harmony has to come from within. We can only share with the world that which we have ourselves. Yoga gives us that internal union, internal harmony with which we can then be tools of bringing harmony and union to the world. Therefore, absolutely the culture of tomorrow is the culture of yoga, which will ensure we live in harmony with ourselves, with others and with our planet.”

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