Sadhviji’s Divine LIVE Satsang: How Does Seva Help Us Feel Fulfilled and Free? – Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Sadhviji’s Divine LIVE Satsang: How Does Seva Help Us Feel Fulfilled and Free?

Jan 03 2022

Sadhviji’s Divine LIVE Satsang: How Does Seva Help Us Feel Fulfilled and Free?

Tonight, we returned to the Satsang Room at Parmarth Niketan for a beautiful Divine Satsang led by Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati that took us deeper into our spiritual path and offered guidance to our global family both here and abroad that helps us all to heal and transform our lives!

The first question came from a family member living abroad who wondered how Seva – Selfless Service – helps us to feel more fulfilled and free in our lives. Sadhviji beautifully explains that Seva is an opportunity that others are giving us to see ourselves in them – an opportunity to experience the Truth of who and what we really are. Beautiful!

Then, a question from a family member in the Satsang Room who asked why it’s important to both learn and unlearn, and another question from a family member in the Room about how to control her anger. Watch and listen to Sadhviji’s helpful and useful answers!

Tune-in every night for Divine Satsang with Sadhviji from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga! And, take some time to revisit previous sessions of Satsang by scrolling through the timeline on this page, where you’ll find so many amazing and precious Drops of Wisdom available right at your finger-tips!

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