Satsang: Why is Religion Easy and Spirituality Hard?
In tonight’s LIVE Divine Satsang from the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji answers questions about life and living from our global family with inspired answers and insights that take us deeper onto our spiritual path, and help us to heal and transform our lives.
A global family member living abroad provides our first question, asking Sadhviji how she can honour the western religion of her childhood and share the beautiful traditions that they espouse while embracing the eternal way of life of Sanatan Dharm. Sadhviji beautifully shares that the teachings of Sanatan Dharm apply to everyone and all faiths because it isn’t dogma and embraces all.
Then, a family member in the Sacred Garden wonders about the part of Lord Ram’s life when he sent the pregnant Sita to the ashram because of gossip about her, wondering how we reconcile that action with Ram’s divinity. While Sadhviji admits that the story has always troubled her, too, she believes that Ram’s Dharma as a king took precedence over his Dharma as a husband.
Next, why is religion – Puja and prayers – so easy, but spirituality so hard? Watch and listen to Sadhviji’s inspired response.
Finally, how can I be satisfied and grateful for everything that I have, and thinking that it’s enough, versus being ambitious and wanting to do more. Sadhviji asks her own question: Is there a possibility that there is gratitude and satisfaction AND energy to also do more? They’re not mutually-exclusive!
Tune-in every night for spiritual questions and answers with Sadhviji from the Holy Banks of Mother Ganga! And, take some time to revisit previous sessions of Satsang by scrolling through the timeline on this page – so many amazing and precious Drops of Wisdom that have helped so many around the world, all available right at your finger-tips!