Swami Vivekananda Jayanti
Today is the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanandaji!
Why are his message and teachings still so relevant today? His message is timeless and just as powerful and essential today as it was more than 100 years ago. His message – the same one that he carried with him on his famous trip to America – was one based on ancient truths that tell us that our completeness doesn’t come from how much we can get, but how much we can give; not from how much we can acquire, but from how much we can serve. Ethics, integrity, honesty – these were the hallmarks of his message, and it’s a message that is not only relevant, but so very needed today! On this Vivekananda Jayanti – and, on this National Youth Day – let us recommit ourselves to a resurgence of values and culture for us and for future generations. Let us value values, rather than valuing valuables. When we do this, we will attain a resurgence of light and peace for ourselves and for our whole world!