Science & Spirituality Tag

Can Spirituality conquer Science?

In honor of World Science Day we consider the age-old questions of science vs spirituality. Does science nullify spirituality? How do we reconcile faith with fact? In this excerpt from Divine Satsang, Sadhviji, who is also a PhD with a background in science dispels the myth...

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Perception vs. Reality

There is but one Truth. One, real, True, undeniable Truth. Our saints and sages tell us that Truth, and our scriptures document that Truth. Doesn't matter how we see it, or even if we see it, it's the Truth. So, even though we perceive how...

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How Real Are Memories?

Our memories determine how we feel about our own lives. As we look back what we see are not facts but memories. They colour our world so completely that it's frequently not always possible to tell whether the memory is real and true - or,...

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Intelligence Today

What is intelligence? Our ability to read, write and do arithmetic? or something deeper? Usually when we think of intelligence, we think about how we learn and give back pieces of information. And what we typically learn is based on our tools of observation -...

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