Watch this beautiful satsang by Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji explaining the difference between fate, karma and free-will and the role of a Master in one's life!...
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at Parmarth Niketan discusses the following topics and answers questions from seekers from around the world, during her daily Satsang from the banks of the holy Ganga River:
The role of our mind on the body
What is the nature of our...
Sadhviji is asked to share her story of how she came to Parmarth and describes it as a story of grace. The only thing she can claim credit for is a commitment to and an openness to truth, truth as the highest goal. A central...
जब एक पीएचडी कर रही छात्रा साल 1995 में अमेरिका से सीधे ऋषिकेश पहुंची और गंगा किनारे बसने का मन बनाया, तो उसके घर में हड़कंप मच गया। मां ने कहा कि बेटी को किडनैप कर लिया गया, किसी ने कहा कि ड्रग दिया जा...
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at Parmarth Niketan discusses the following topics and answers questions from seekers from around the world, during her daily Satsang from the banks of the holy Ganga River:
The correlation between science and spirituality in yoga practices
The role of a Guru...
This article was originally published on Thrive Global, here.
'That true self is not new of course. But it is new to us. It is new to our experience of our selves.'
Every day is new. As my Guru says “Whenever you wake up, it’s morning.” So...
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at Parmarth Niketan discusses the following topics and answers questions from seekers from around the world, during her daily Satsang from the banks of the holy Ganga River:
The importance of having a Guru for spiritual teachings
Spiritual & physical well-being: the...
Watch this inspiring talk by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji at the Dhyan Shivir by Sudhanshu ji Maharaj at Parmarth Niketan. She beautifully shares about the blessing of Ganga, Guru and Gyan in our lives; these are real prosperity. She speaks about the importance of meditation...
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at Parmarth Niketan discusses the following topics and answers questions from seekers from around the world, during her daily Satsang from the banks of the holy Ganga River:
The role of our mind on the body
What is the nature of our...
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati at Parmarth Niketan discusses the following topics and answers questions from seekers from around the world, during her daily Satsang from the banks of the holy Ganga River:
Forgiving someone in a relationship
How to find the courage to make a life-changing...