Renunciation & Sannyas Tag

Why Do Monks Wear Orange?

Have you ever wondered why swamis and sadhvis in India are always seen in saffron robes? Is it just tradition, or does it hold a deeper meaning? In the 4th episode of Know & Grow, young brothers Sajjan and Pavitra ask this fascinating question, and...

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Why Wear White?

Why do so many spiritual aspirants wear white? Even those who are not official brahmacharis or monastics, but just people wanting to walk a more spiritual path. . . Why white? Even yoga retreats so frequently have all the participants wear white. What does it...

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Can I Be a Sadhu?

I've lost interest in material things, and I'm tired of chasing things that aren't giving me peace.Can I just let go of everything? Can I be a Sadhu? As Sadhviji shares in this beautiful teaching from the Sacred Garden, there are many things to consider before...

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