Independence Day Message of Oneness, Togetherness and All-ness
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji, President of the Divine Shakti Foundation and Secretary-General of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance graces this event with her beautiful speech: “Today we have truly had ‘Bharat Darshan.’ We have had darshan of the true India, an India that is united in love, united in oneness and united in a commitment to serve the nation and serve the world. India has so much it is giving the world — science, technology, engineering and more. But the most important gift of India to the world is the gift of oneness, ekta, and today here on the banks of Ganga, that darshan and message of oneness is going to the country and the world!”
Today’s Independence Day symbolized a new dawning in interfaith harmony as hundreds of Muslim and Hindu faith leaders, students and community members converged for a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Under the inspiration and guidance of HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati, President of Parmarth Niketan and Founder/Chair of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, the voices and hands of maulanas, dharm gurus, children and supporters joined together in a vibrant tapestry that represented the unity in diversity that is India.