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Jun 06 2023

HH Param Pujya Swamiji’s Birth Anniversary Celebrations

A full weekend of beautiful, sacred and serene events celebrating a Paryavaran Sewa Utsav welcomed HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji into his 72nd year of incarnation, and provided a global platform for the discussion of the steps that are necessary to ensure that our sacred home, Mother Earth, and all of her inhabitants are sustained and protected for this and all future generations. Introduced during the three days of festivities were life-giving, life-enhancing and planet-saving service projects that included lemon tree, wheelchair and mobile phone distributions offered by...

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Jun 05 2023

Tree Plantation Drive on World Environment Day with Hon’ble Shri Ram Nath Kovindji

A full weekend of beautiful, sacred and serene events celebrating a Paryavaran Sewa Utsav welcomed HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji into his 72nd year of incarnation, and provided a global platform for the discussion of the steps that are necessary to ensure that our sacred home, Mother Earth, and all of her inhabitants are sustained and protected for this and all future generations. Introduced during the three days of festivities were life-giving, life-enhancing and planet-saving service projects that included lemon tree, wheelchair and mobile phone distributions offered by and in...

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Jun 01 2023

Sadhviji Participates in Webinar on Challenges Faced in Menstrual Hygiene Management

In a very special webinar organized by the World Council of Churches 's Ecumenical Water Network held in honour of Menstrual Hygiene Day, Sadhviji; WCC's Rev Dr Kenneth Mtata and Rev. Nicole Ashwood; Water Network's Dinesh Suna ; CASA Project Officer, Anita Kukreti; Executive Director of CAP Network's HIV/AIDS programmes, Naomi Ayot Oyaro ; Norwegian Church Aid's senior WASH advisor, Michele Vecchi; and Zambia physician, Dr. Princess Matapo joined together to discuss and uncover ways that allow menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene Matters to become a part of our daily lives. Sadhviji powerfully shares: "In the Hindu tradition, we...

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May 31 2023

Ganga Dussehra Celebrations

On yesterday's auspicious occasion of Ganga Dussehra, HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji, Parmarth's Acharyas and Rishikumars and the Parmarth Parivar here and abroad celebrated the arrival of Goddess Ganga's arrival on Earth by recommitting themselves to keeping her sacred waters clean and plastic-free during a beautiful Yagya puja and snan on her holy banks and during Pujya Sant Murlidharji Maharaj's renowned Ram Katha programme, ongoing at the Ashram through 15 June. "Jal Chetna Ko Jan Chetna. Jal Andolan Ko Jan Andolan," declared Pujya Swamiji. "Water awakening...

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May 28 2023

Special Workshop on Menstrual Health for School Girls on Menstrual Hygiene Day

डिवाइन शक्ति फाउंडेशन, परमार्थ निकेतन पिछले कई वर्षों से विद्यालयों और कम्यूनिटी स्तर पर माहवारी स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता के प्रति महिलाओं, किशोरियों और जनसाधारण को जागरूक करने हेतु विभिन्न स्तरों कर कार्य कर रहा है। डिवाइन शक्ति फाउंडेशन की अध्यक्ष डा साध्वी भगवती सरस्वती जी ने कहा कि लड़कियों के स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, स्वच्छता और पर्यावरण के विभिन्न घटकों में सुधार करने हेतु मिलकर कार्य करना जरूरी है ताकि प्रत्येक बेटी, माँ और उनके अध्यापकों को माहवारी स्वच्छता प्रबंधन के विषय में सही व उपयुक्त जानकारी प्रदान की जा सके। परमार्थ निकेतन...

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May 24 2023

G-20 Meeting in Rishikesh Begins with Parmarth’s Ganga Aarti & Pledge to Work Together

Parmarth Niketan, one of the largest ashrams in Rishikesh and one of the largest spiritual institutions in India hosted the esteemed delegates of the G-20 meeting of the Anti-Corruption Working Group for a special Ganga Aarti ceremony and dinner tonight. This momentous gathering witnessed the participation of 200 delegates from all 20 of the G-20 countries as well as representatives from across the nation and the world. The event at Parmarth Niketan was the opening to the delegates’ three  days of meetings in Uttarakhand.  They had the special opportunity to...

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May 16 2023

How to Handle Negative People and Negative Situations

We try so hard to stay anchored in positivity in our lives but sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, we have no choice but to be in situations or with people who are, most definitely, not positive! Maybe it’s a coworker, a neighbor, an employer, or an employee, a colleague, or simply someone you see on the subway every day. That negativity may come in the form of individual people or entire situations that are brimming over with greed, competition, hatred, and worse. What to do? How do...

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May 13 2023

Satsang at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in New York

When Sadhviji was recently in New York for the meeting of the Multi-faith Advisory Council to the United Nations, it was such a joy for her to give satsang in New York City. As the full moon rose on Buddha Purnima, people gathered at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the prestigious center for Indian culture in New York at a beautiful event titled "From Hollywood To The Himalayas: Unleashing the Power of Eastern Spirituality for Western Minds." The event was hosted by filmmaker Neha Lohia, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA and tGELF, and...

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May 12 2023

Sadhviji’s Divine LIVE Satsang

In tonight's LIVE Satsang from the Sacred Garden at Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Sadhviji responds to questions from our global family with answers that take us deeper onto our spiritual path. Starting with a beautifully grounding meditation. Sadhviji took a moment to make sure that everyone was focused in centered through meditation, mantra and pranic breathing and ready to enjoy the sanga of Satsang. As always to begin, Sadhviji answers a question from a global family member sent in advance who asked “How can we apply of Neti Neti (not this,...

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May 12 2023

Sadhviji Addresses Students at “Inspire” Program at Doon International School, Dehradun

We are so happy and proud to see our GIWA's Secretary General Dr. Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswatiji of Parmarth Niketan ashram, in the "Inspire" program organized by the renowned newspaper 'The Times of India'.  This event happened at Doon International School, Dehradun where she addressed the students and said that three 'C' - Connection, Courage and Creativity are very important for the youth to handle real life problems like water, environment, global warming and climate change. Students eagerly listened when she shared that Spirituality and Positivity are need of the hour. Along...

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