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Aug 13 2015

Meeting with Governor of Uttar Pradesh

Pujya Swamiji had a wonderful meeting with His Excellency the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ram Naikji, discussing plans for a green and sustainable Uttar Pradesh. Pujya Swamiji lauded His Excellency for taking his sankalpa (pledge), on the banks of Mother Ganga, during the 16th Annual International Yoga Festival in Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh), earlier this year, and putting it immediately into action to clean up the River Gomti. Pujya Swamiji shared that His Excellency's initiative and commitment exemplified true Yoga in Action. They discussed the great progress on restoring the banks of...

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Aug 08 2015

Editors Meet for Global Interfaith WASH Alliance in Lucknow

UNICEF and Samyak Foundation organized an Editor’s Roundtable in Lucknow on our Global Interfaith WASH Alliance to inspire a dialogue between Global Interfaith WASH Alliance's (GIWA) interfaith leaders and senior editors/eminent journalists from all across Uttar Pradesh and several other states, including Madhya Pradesh and Bihar, regarding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) initiatives and how they connect to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Clean India Mission). The roundtable was blessed by the presence, vision and guidance of GIWA’s co-founder, HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, President of Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh), Founder of...

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Jul 23 2015

Magnificent Grace Filled Evening at the Grace Cathedral

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati graced and inspired a beautiful gathering at the Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, one of the most renowned places of worship in the Bay Area. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, who had previously spoken there in May, was warmly welcomed back and everyone was so incredibly delighted to be blessed by Pujya Swamiji's divine grace-filled presence. There were nearly 700-800 yogis who joined for the free Yoga on the Labyrinth class led by Darren Main, in which Pujya Swamiji led everyone in divine OM and mantra chanting...

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Jul 18 2015

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji Grace International Bhagavad Gita Conference in Sunnyvale, California

Pujya Swamiji recently graced the International Bhagavad Gita Conference on Saturday with Pujya Sri Shankaracharyaji, Pujya Swami Gyanandandji, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Maa Geeteshwariji, Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard and so many other eminent dignitaries, speaking about the timeless wisdom of the <em>Bhagavad Gita</em> and how to apply its teachings into our every day lives. The conference took place at the Hindu Temple and Community Centre in Sunnyvale, USA. <em><a href=";type=3" target="_blank">Click here to view photos from this event.</a></em>...

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Jul 12 2015

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji at World Bank for Religion & Sustainable Development

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati, President of Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh), Co-Founder &amp; Co-Chair of Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA), Founder of Ganga Action Parivar and Divine Shakti Foundation, was at the World Bank in Washington DC this past week for a special conference on Religion and Sustainable Development. (More details and photos of the conference will come soon as soon as we get the pictures from the organizers). During the conference, during a special Iftar organized by the World Bank Group and Islamic Relief, Pujya Swamiji met with the World Bank...

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Jun 28 2015

Satsang in London with Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji

On Sunday 28th of June, Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji (Sadhviji) gave an extraordinary Darshan and Satsang at St James School in London. Having just arrived in the early evening from Delhi, they entered a fully packed hall, of hundreds of people, into a truly special atmosphere of great devotion created by talented musicians with their Kirtan. The evening was introduced by Roshni and Shreya Lakhani, who had organised the event. Both have attended the school, which values the finest teachings from all traditions and in particular the Sanskrit tradition. They...

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Jun 28 2015

Vietnamese Ambassador to India meets Pujya Swamiji

His Excellency Mr. Ton Sinh Thanh, Ambassador of SR of Vietnam to India, Nepal &amp; Bhutan, and his wife, Mrs. Phan Thi Vinh Khanh, as well as their family and friends visited Parmarth Niketan (Rishikesh) to meet with Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji. HE Mr. Ton Sinh Thanh shared that they had been living in India now for 8 months and were very interested in the Indian spiritual-cultural tradition and the practice of Yoga. He also explained how just before coming to Rishikesh he had delegates of his Embassy participate in the...

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Jun 21 2015

Green International Yoga Day Celebrations at Parmarth Niketan

A beautiful celebration of the International Yoga Day took place on the banks of Mother Ganga, in the lap of the Himalayas in the birthplace of Yoga, in the sacred city of Rishikesh at Parmarth Niketan, with the blessing, vision and leadership of Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji (Pujya Swamiji) and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji(Sadhviji). The grand Yoga gathering, which took place in the holy presence and with the blessings and inspiration of Pujya Swamiji, brought hundreds of pilgrims together and started with a large Yoga class, which included the International Yoga Day...

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Jun 20 2015

Commemorating Int’l Yoga Day With the Maharishi Institute of Creative Intelligence

On the eve of International Yoga Day, Sadhvi Bhagawatiji spoke at an event commemorating the historic day of the Maharishi Institute of Creative Intelligence at FICCI Headquarts in Delhi.  Among dignitaries present at the event was Hon'ble Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh, who delivered an eloquent, heart-felt talk. During the event, a fascinating discussion was also held regarding the life of HH Pujya Maharishi Mahesh Yogiji, the power of meditation, and the Maharishi Institute's 600 scientific research studies, which have been documented in seven volumes....

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Jun 05 2015

Visit to Rural Village in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand

Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji visited a small village by the name of Jyuri (block Agyustamuni, district Rudraprayag), high in the mountains from Rudraprayag which is a typical, exquisite yet impoverished mountain village with Hon'ble MLA Kedarnath, Shaila Rani Ravatji. Medicinal herbs, roots, fruit and vegetables grew plentifully and organically. They poured their hearts out to Pujya Swamiji and Sadhvi Bhagawatiji about their challenges and concerns as well as the great, great need for proper education as well as access to higher education in their communities. Pujya Swamiji and Sadhviji, deeply touched and...

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