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Nov 30 2022

Sadhviji at Religions for Peace conference in Spain

Sadhviji was in Manresa, Spain at the special Religions for Peace conference of "At a Crossroads - a Multireligious and Intergenerational Response to Social and Environmental Crises."  The first day they did a sacred walk of the Camino de Santiago, and Sadhviji spoke in the opening plenary on creating peaceful, sustainable cities.  She shared the work that our Global Interfaith WASH Alliance is doing in India for water, sanitation & hygiene and also for so much more -- menstrual hygiene, gender equality, ending gender based violence, lifeskills education, ending early...

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Nov 24 2022

Sadhviji Speaks at Plenary Session of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

Sadhviji traveled to the sacred spiritual city of Fez, Morocco to deliver a speech in the plenary session of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Global Forum. High level government representatives, civil society leaders and faith leaders from around the world gathered to work to find active and sustainable pathways to peace and towards an Alliance of Peace: Living Together as One Humanity. Sadhviji joined United Nations' Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for UNAOC, Miguel Moratinos; Former UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng; General Secretary of the Rabita Mohammadia...

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Nov 20 2022

International Children’s Day at DSF School

What a joy to spend International Children’s Day with the beautiful children at one of the free schools run by our Divine Shakti Foundation!  Let's be tools to serve and give love to our children of all races, all religions, all colors and all cultures, all around the world. [foogallery id="34251"]...

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Nov 19 2022

Sacred Ganga Aarti on the New Kolkata Ghat

The presence of HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji, our Acharyas and Rishikumars and our beautiful Kolkata family on the stunning new Kolkata Ghat for Aarti was a divine sight, filled with such deep meaning and historic significance. For on this date, some 25 years after Pujya Swamiji led the first Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan in Rishikesh, Aarti was offered to God where Ganga empties into the Bay of Bengal. The sacred and beloved puja had come both full-circle and full-measure! Join us...

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Nov 18 2022

Recent Book Signing of Hollywood to the Himalayas

Writing Hollywood to the Himalayas was such a joy. It was truly a deeply meditative experience. I literally closed my eyes and just typed whatever came through, as a channel for the Divine. Later I would go back and fix the inevitable, spelling and grammatical mistakes. I didn’t plan any specific chapters in advance. I just typed what came through, and the experience was exhilarating. Sharing of the book now that it’s published has been an equal joy, possibly even more. To see the way that my journey, my lessons and...

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Nov 15 2022

Celebrating Our Children at Shakti Vikas Kendra

Yesterday was the beautiful day of National Children’s Day in India.  Upon returning from Kolkata, we stopped at our newest Divine Shakti Foundation project, called Shakti Vikas Kendra, which we are running in Rishikesh just next to the largest slum area in our state of Uttarakhand, and amidst several other large slums and areas of urban poor. It has been such a blessing to start this center, which provides tutoring for children who may be getting a government education, but are not able to properly learn and absorb the material. It...

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Nov 15 2022

दिव्यांग मुक्त भारत हेतु कोलकाता में हुई विशेष बैठक

बाल दिवस के अवसर पर दिव्यांग बच्चों को कृत्रिम अंगों की सौगात 🇮🇳 बाल दिवस के अवसर पर भारत के प्यारे-प्यारे बच्चों को शुभकामनायें परमार्थ निकेतन, ऋषिकेश और महावीर सेवा सदन के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में पूरे भारत को दिव्यांग मुक्त बनाने हेतु शिविरों के आयोजन के लिये बनायी गयी विशेष कार्ययोजना पीड़ा से प्रेरणा स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती ऋषिकेश, 14 नवम्बर। बाल दिवस के अवसर पर परमार्थ निकेतन, ऋषिकेश और महावीर सेवा सदन के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में पूरे भारत को दिव्यांग मुक्त बनाने हेतु कोलकाता में विशेष बैठक का आयोजन किया गया, जिसमें परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष...

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Nov 14 2022

Inauguration of New Ganga Aarti at Srirampuram, New Kolkata Ghat

HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji and Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji inaugurated a new Ganga Aarti at Srirampuram, New Kolkata Ghat last night, alongside Shri Amar Sarraf, Ajay Kumar, Archana Sarraf, and the entire Sarraf family; Ms. Ganga Nandini Tripathi; Acharya Deepak Sharma; Acharya Dilipji and Rishikumars of Parmarth Niketan; along with over 5000 devotees in attendance.  Pujya Swamiji gave special blessings to the whole family for this divine work. Pujya Swamiji said: "Today is a historic day in the land of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda ji, the land of...

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Nov 10 2022

Sadhviji Gives Keynote Speech at Global Wellness Summit

In the first week of November, Sadhvi Bhagawatiji gave the keynote address and led a sacred yagna (fire ceremony) at the Global Wellness Summit in Tel Aviv, Israel. On the opening night of the Summit she led a powerful fire ceremony on the large terrace of the Hilton Hotel, which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. She shared the meaning of the sacred yagna ceremony and then led all the participants in a meditation about letting go of whatever it is that is holding them back - anger, grudges, fears, false identities,...

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Oct 23 2022

Release of Indian Edition of “Hollywood to the Himalayas”

It's such a blessing that in the two weeks since the Indian edition of my memoir Hollywood to the Himalayas was published by JAICO Publishing House, Sadhviji already had the great joy of offering it to so many - including offering it to Bhagawan Rama and Sita Ma on the sacred day of Dussehra with HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji.  Throughout these last two weeks, it's been such a joy for her to offer her deep story of healing, transformation and awakening to Pujya Swami Swami Ramdevji, Pujya Acharya Bal...

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